All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services conducts hundreds of septic inspections each year for property owners who are selling their home or business and are on town sewer. This is because in the state of Massachusetts a septic inspection is required:
“Within 2 years before a sale. If weather conditions prevent inspection at the time of a sale, the inspection must take place within 6 months afterward”
For more information see:
However not all inspections that we carryout are for people who are selling a property. We have a voluntary septic inspection today for a property owner in Westport MA who wants to have a greater understanding of the condition of their septic system. As specified on the Mass Gov website:
“A system owner may choose voluntarily to have an assessment of the condition of the system even if there is no requirement for an inspection. Results of these voluntary assessments are solely for the use of the owner, and do not need to be submitted to local Boards of Health or MassDEP.”
We also have septic inspections today in Marion, Mattapoisett, Fall River, New Bedford and Rehoboth MA. If you require a septic inspection, for any reason, or if you have questions about your septic system please do contact us at our Norton Office on 508-763-4431 or visit