All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services offers an exciting service to our customers that utilizes a patented technology to intermittently aerate the drainfield and surrounding soil. Septic Rejuvenation is used as an alternative to aerating the wastewater in the septic tank. It allows failed septic systems to rapidly rejuvenate, extending the lifespan of the drainfield and the septic system, while enhancing the treatment process.
Rejuvenation is currently being used by over 2,000 different septic service providers throughout the United States and Canada and has proven successful in a wide range of different climates and soil types. This technology has been applied in residential situations for both single and multi-family dwellings, as well as commercial situations, servicing hotels, laundrymats, grocery stores, food processing facilities, healthcare services, marinas, restaurants and more.
Some of the benefits associated with Septic Rejuvenation include:
- rapid restoration of proper septic system functions
- lower costs for installation, operation and maintenance
- enhanced removal of pathogens, nitrogen, phosphorus and B.O.D.
- minimal damage/disruption to existing property landscape
- long term, cost-effective solution
We are providing septic system remediation through this rejuvenation process to a customer today in Smithfield RI. If you would be interested in this service or if you need septic system remediation please do contact our office on 508-763-4431 or visit