All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services is virtually paperless. Historically each title 5 septic inspection report would generate 25 – 50 sheets of paper, including septic design plans, as built design plans, water records, previously completed title 5 septic inspection reports, field notes, assessor information and the notes from the licensed title 5 inspector. This paper would historically be kept for 7 – 10 years in dozens of file cabinets stored at multiple facilities in Attleboro, Norton, Acushnet, and Marion. Now that All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services is virtually paperless we are saving trees, floor space, and making this information available via the cloud whether our licensed title 5 septic inspectors are in Rochester, MA. Lakeville, MA. Portsmouth, RI. Norton, MA or anywhere else throughout Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, or Maine.