All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services has septic system services including Singulair Service, FAST Service, Advanced Treatment Unit Service, Sand Filter Service, FujiClean System Service and Jet System Service in Northborough, Berlin, Holliston, Upton, Uxbridge and Millis MA. If you have your septic system serviced on a regular basis you are helping ensure that you will not have any unexpected septic system breakdowns which is especially important for our commercial customers with restaurants because a problem with their septic system can have large repercussions to their business. You will also be increasing the longevity of your septic system which can be an expensive item to replace if it fails. We service our septic system clients on a quarterly, biannual or annual basis depending to the septic system and usage. For example a Dunkin Donuts will require more frequent services that a customer with a summer property on Cape Cod. If you are interested in septic services or have any questions please do contact our Norton office on 508-763-4431 or visit