Locate the sewer lines leading away from the house. There may be a clean-out, risers or manhole cover indicating the location of the septic tank. Generally, the septic tank is located approximately 10 to 15 feet away from from the house.
Probe with a metal rod, pushing it gently into the ground to locate the gravel drain field. The leach lines usually are 6 to 18 inches below the surface of the soil. Work your way out and away from the house. As you find the perimeter of the drain field, mark it with landscaper’s spray paint.
Measure 10 feet from the outer perimeter of the leach field. Mark the garden’s borders with stakes. Fruits and vegetables should be planted at least 10 feet from a septic system or leach field to avoid bacterial contamination.
Prepare a landscape plan before planting shrubs or trees near a leach field. Non-aggressive shrubs and trees should be planted at a distance equal to the mature height of the plant. Trees with aggressive roots, such as a willow tree, should be planted at least 50 feet from a leach field.
All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services can answer all your questions on your septic system and help you with all your septic needs. They can be reached at 508-763-4431 or visit www.allclearseptic.com