All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services have septic inspections today for customers in Hingham, Scituate, Hanson, Hanover, Marshfield, Plymouth, and East Bridgewater, MA.  Septic Inspections are just another thing on a long list of items that property owners need to have completed if they are selling their property and they also have a septic system.  However, the septic inspection is best not left until the end of the list.  Although your septic system is not something that is apparent when you are showing your property, if there is a problem with your septic it can hold up a sale.  It is always worth having your septic inspection done early so you can rectify any problems early and reassure potential buyers that your septic will not cause any concerns.  Once completed, your septic inspection is usually good for two years, for more information contact your local board of health.  If you wish to schedule a septic inspection or if you have any questions please do contact our office at 508-763-4431 or visit