septic-problemsMost people don’t realize that they have septic tank system problems until it is literally staring them in the face. One of the reasons why people have septic problems in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and everywhere else in the New England area is that it is easy to forget about the septic system until its too late. It is easy to see why not taking proper care of a septic system, getting it checked or inspected regularly and having it cleaned or pumped when necessary, is the most common cause of septic tank system problems.

Normal Household Use
What is normal? Today’s septic systems are designed to be able to handle the wastewater and waste based on the number of bedrooms in the home, plus one. The “plus one” in this case is to accommodate two adults in the master bedroom. If you live in a four bedroom home, for example, your septic system should be able to handle use by five people.

However, if you live in a three bedroom home, but have six adults taking showers, using the bathroom, doing laundry and using dishes, you just might be overloading your septic system. The best way to determine what “normal” household use should be for your particular septic system is to contact a Rhode Island or Massachusetts septic service company for a complete assessment.

Not only will a professional assessment help to determine whether or not your septic system is adequate for the number of people in your home, but it will also determine the age of the equipment, whether it is working efficiently and if anything needs to be repaired or replaced. Contact All-Clear Septic & Wastewater for information about having an assessment performed to determine and prevent septic tank system problems.

How to Care for a Septic System
Everything that goes down one of the drains in your home, ends up inside your septic system. This includes toilets, but also sinks, showers, washing machines and garbage disposals too. Little things can really add up and wreck havoc, causing a multitude of septic tank system problems.

Knowing what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet is a great place to start. If you have young children in your home, it pays to start teaching them at a young age that toilets and drains are not okay for disposing of garbage and other potentially damaging items. As you children grow older, reminding them not to flush feminine hygiene products or use harsh chemicals that could end up in the drain, will be part of learning how to care for a septic system.

Speak with your Rhode Island or Massachusetts septic service company for more information on responsible septic system ownership and for more tips on how to care for a septic system. Even if you have had a septic system your whole life, there are always new tips and ideas to help you reduce the number of back-ups, repairs and other problems required throughout the life of your septic system.

Regular Maintenance is Required
Even if you have never had a single problem with your septic system, it is important to hire a company to do regular check-ups to determine whether or not your tank will need to be pumped or cleaned. Contact All-Clear Septic & Wastewater to find out more about their Preventative Maintenance Program, which has been designed to help stay ahead of septic problems in Rhode Island and Massachusetts before they become costly repairs.

After just a few years of use, even a brand new septic tank will end up with a build-up of scum and sludge. As this layer of solids grows within the tank, the wastewater that passes through the tank on its way to your drainfield can end up passing through too fast. It can also cause the solid to plug up your septic pipes on the way to the drainfield.

Overfilling your tank with too much wastewater is another reason for many typical septic tank system problems. Inviting guests over for the weekend or hosting a party for a couple dozen people on a Wednesday night, can cause an overfill of the tank. If your septic system is unable to handle all the excess wastewater, it will quickly fill up your drainfield and flood it with sewage. The cost to recover from such an issue can end up costing much more than a regular maintenance program would have.

Call for an Assessment Today!
If you would like a professional assessment of your septic system by a licensed, certified and experienced Rhode Island and Massachusetts septic system company, call All-Clear Septic & Wastewater. Located in Acushnet, Massachusetts, All-Clear provides a variety of valuable services to septic tank owners throughout the Southcoast area.