All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services has Septic Inspections scheduled today in Norton, MA.  Included in a septic inspections is:

  • General layout of the system components (location of the building sewer, septic tank or cesspool, distribution box and leaching field);
  • Type of use (e.g., house, school, retail space), Title 5 design flow, and whether the facility is presently occupied;
  • Analysis of the criteria specified in Title 5 that indicate system failure, and, for large systems, those which indicate threats to public health and the environment;
  • Water use records from the previous two years, if available;
  • A description of the septic tank, including its condition, approximate age, thickness of grease/scum layer, and other relevant information;
  • A characterization of the distribution box and dosing tanks with pumps, if any, such as condition and evidence of solids carryover or backup; and
  • The condition of the soil absorption system including, any signs of hydraulic failure.

We have recently inspected septic systems in Attleboro, Plainfield, Dudley, North Reading and Spencer, MA.  We have extensive experience inspecting septic systems all over our region and have a good reputation in our industry and with realtors for conducting thorough, timely, and professional inspections.  If you need to schedule a septic inspection or if you have any questions about septic inspections please do contact our office at 508-763-4431 or visit