All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services has septic repairs today for customers who have called our office with various different septic problems caused by different septic system issues. Our first appointment is for a client in Rochester, MA who needs a septic repair because they have damaged their leachfield when heavy equipment was parked on it for a construction project. The property owners were unaware that it is inadvisable to park or pave over any part of a leach field. Heavy packing of the earth over the distribution lines will have a negative impact on effectiveness. Building over leach fields can compact soils or damage the underground apparatus and cause the septic system to fail. It is also not recommended to plant large trees, shrubs or bushes on the leach field. Woody plantings like trees or shrubs can damage the underground apparatus and vegetable or fruit gardens could be contaminated if placed too close. For these reasons, landscaping the area with native plants is a very appropriate and beautiful way to utilize the space while also protecting it. We are, therefore, repairing their leach field damage. We also have other septic repairs today in Acushnet, Marion, Mattapoisett, and Lakeville, MA. If you need a septic repair or have any questions about septic repairs please do contact our office at 508-763-4431 or visit