All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services were contacted by a customer in Westport, MA who had noticed sewage smells and damp patches in their backyard over their leach field so were concerned that they may have a septic problem. Further discussion revealed that they had noticed slow drains and much greener grass in their backyard for a while but had not realised that these are also signs of a septic problem. The reason for their leach field failure is biological clogging. This is the development of a biomat beneath the leachfield that eventually prevents the liquid or effluent from entering the underlying soil. This biomat is a combination of fine organic solids that have been carried out of the septic tank and the remnants of anaerobic bacteria. These bacteria originate in the human intestinal tract and enter the septic system with the waste products. 95% of all leach field failures are biological. We will repair their leach field by installing the White Knight system. The White Knight system creates an aerobic environment within the septic system and provides a large surface area for the growth of a specialized bacterial colony. As the bacteria multiply, they consume the organic material coming into the septic tank. At the same time, a great many of these bacteria are carried into the leach field and begin to consume the organic material that is clogging the soil. As a result, the underlying soil begins to regain its porosity, which in turn allows the effluent to pass through. After installation our client will have to discontinue use of a garbage disposal system, refrain from introducing any harsh chemicals into the septic system, use liquid detergents for washing dishes and clothes, refrain from flushing any and all non-organic products down the drains, refrain from the heavy use of bleach products and refrain from flushing paper towels or wipes down the drains. If they do their their leach field will remain operating correctly. We also have other septic repairs scheduled today in Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Fairhaven and Fall River MA. If you have concerns that your septic system is not working correctly or wish to schedule a septic repair please do contact our Norton office on 508-763-4431 or visit