All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services have Septic Inspections scheduled for customers today in Sharon, Mansfield, Norton, Franklin, Foxboro, and Stoughton, MA.
Septic Inspections, required in connection with a property transfer, generally are good for two years. If a property is sold more than once in the two-year period, the single inspection is valid for all transfers. When a system is pumped on an annual basis and the pumping records are available, an inspection is valid for three years.
Therefore, if you are selling a property with a septic system, it is advisable to have your septic inspection done as early in the process as you can. There is no benefit to delay, because it will be valid for 2 years, and if the inspection does reveal an issue, you will have more time to rectify the problem. If your septic system passes, that is just one more positive to use when advertising your property. If you need to schedule a septic inspection or if you have any questions please do contact our office at 508-763-4431 or visit