All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services had its monthly safety meeting today. The safety of our employees and customers is of the utmost importance to us so we ensure that we stay ahead of safety training, safety procedures and that our equipment is safe and our employees know how to use it correctly. Even though it is raining today part of our safety commitment is ensuring that our staff are safe whatever the weather so today our meeting covered heat stress and sun exposure training to ensure that our staff know how to work safely when the sun does show itself. We also focused on trailer safety for open, closed and equipment trailers including correct loading, tie down and visual inspections. Although it does not seem necessary today we know that in New England the summer could be just around the corner so we want our employees to be safe when they are working in hot and humid conditions. Today we have septic inspectors out working, safely, in the rain in North Smithfield, Scituate, Foster, Coventry, West Greenwich and Smithfield RI. If you have any question about septic systems or wish to schedule an appointment please do contact our office on 508-763-4431 or visit where we will be happy to help you.