All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services provides septic engineering services including soil evaluations, PERC Testing and flow testing to our clients when requested. Our trained experts can assist with all your septic engineering needs. We can provide services to improve or repair your property such as soil evaluations, septic design, land use planning, and construction layouts for large or small commercial developments. We understand the details of septic requirements for Massachusetts and we will work with you and local code enforcement to ensure the design of your new or upgraded septic system will meet all required local laws and code.
We are doing a PERC (percolation) test today for a customer in Swansea MA. A perc test, or percolation test, is a soil test that is performed before installing a septic system tank. The perc test is extremely important because it measures the level of liquid absorption of the soil where the proposed septic tank will be located. It determines how quickly the material from the septic system will be absorbed into the soil. We also have a septic system flow test scheduled in Fall River. We have recently also provided septic engineering services to clients in Carlisle, Boxford and Holliston MA. If you would be interested in these services or if you have any questions please do contact our Norton office on 508-763-4431 or visit