All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services regularly carry out septic repairs and septic maintenance for customers on all types and parts of septic systems. Today we have pressure distribution maintenance, repairing laterals under the pavement and installing a filter for a customer in Fairhaven, MA. Septic tanks and drain fields have been used for many years but not all soil and site conditions work well for gravity septic systems. The pressure distribution system is one alternative that provides dosing and resting cycle, a uniform distribution of wastewater and shallow placement of the drain field. Installing a filter from your wastewater into the septic tank will help to keep solids from clogging the pump and drainfield pipes. We also have other septic repairs and some septic maintenance scheduled today in Seekonk, Swansea, Freetown, New Bedford and Norton MA. If you require a septic repair, septic maintenance or have questions about your septic system please do contact our office on 508-763-4431 or visit