All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services know more than anyone would ever usually wish to know about septic systems and the waste that goes into them. Today we are at a customer location in Westport MA providing a septic repair because the waste that they have introduced to their septic system has actually harmed it. Most people would not know that a septic system is more than just a tank for waste. They are a balanced system that uses bacteria to reduce sludge and sulfite buildup. Our client had been using a strong household cleaner that has upset this balance and lead to septic drain field problems. It is always a good idea to make sure that if you wish to use strong cleaners that they are labeled ‘septic safe’. There are are also homemade cleaners that can be very effective and not damage your septic system. Baking soda mixed with other all natural ingredients can be used as an environmentally safe and natural cleaner for your toilet, sinks, tub, and drains. Using baking soda instead of harsh chemical cleaners such as bleach will keep all that important bacteria from being killed off. The good bacteria in your septic system is necessary because it breaks down all the waste that comes through the pipes. Without the good bacteria you will end up with clogs, back-ups and odors that wear away at your septic tank and eventually cause a septic system emergency.
Using baking soda is very easy. You can mix about a 1/4 cup of baking soda with 1/2 cup of vinegar and 2 tablespoons lemon to make your own natural cleaning agent. The baking soda will fizz up to help get the dirt and grime in your tub and drains.
We have other septic repairs scheduled today in New Bedford, Fairhaven, Mattapoisett and Marion MA. If you think you have a septic problem and may require a septic repair or if you have any questions about septic systems or septic repairs please do contact us on 508 763 4431 or visit All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services