All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services know that property owners with septic systems will not always immediately know when they have a septic problem. A common sign that you may have a septic issue is if you have much greener and healthier grass on your leach field than elsewhere in your yard. While a home owner may be congratulating themselves on their improved gardening skills they may not realise that they need a leach field repair because this is a result of their leach field not being able to process their wastewater as it should and therefore it’s starting to contaminate their yard. The main reason for a leach field to fail is referred to as biological clogging. This is the development of a biomat beneath the leachfield that eventually prevents the liquid or effluent from entering the underlying soil. This biomat is a combination of fine organic solids that have been carried out of the septic tank and the remnants of anaerobic bacteria. These bacteria originate in the human intestinal tract and enter the septic system with the waste products. 95% of all leach field failures are biological. The second primary reason is referred to as a mechanical failure. This could be a structural collapse of the leach field piping or chambers, root intrusion, or fine non-organic materials that are washed down to the bottom of the leach field and seal the soil. Today we have septic repairs, including a leach field repair, scheduled in Plymouth, Norwell, Halifax, Marshfield, Hingham and Scituate MA. If you suspect you need a septic repair or if you have any questions about septic systems or specifically leach fields please do contact our Norton office on 508-763-4431 or visit