What causes a septic system to fail? What are some of the signs of a failed septic and what can you do to avoid this? If you are a home owner with a private septic system, these questions may have run through your mind.
What causes a septic system to fail? We must start by understanding that wastewater is made up of organics and water. The organics come from human waste, soaps, garbage, etc. When excess organics are introduced into the system they clog the soils preventing water from passing through. If too much water is introduced into the system it can wash organics out of the septic tank and into the field speeding up the clogging of the soils. Excessive water can also hydraulically overload the system. Each septic system is similiar to a funnel and can only allow a fixed amount of water to pass through. If you exceed that amount of water the system will flood resulting in breakout of sewage onto the ground or backup of sewage into the house. Regular septic system maintenance can identify problems that can damage your system.
What are some of the signs that your septic system is failing? A foul smell inside the house or outside near the drainfield is a bad sign. Also, wastewater flowing up to the ground near the drainfield, muddy soil around the septic system, water in the basement, toilets that back up as well as sinks when laundry is running and also thick, lush grass over the drainfield. If you notice any of these signs, call a septic system professional from All Clear Septic right away. Also taking part in the preventative maintenance program All Clear offers as well as regular inspections can prevent your septic system from failing altogether.
What are other ways to help avoid septic system failure? Keep toxic chemicals out of your system. Never clean any oil-based products or chemicals in your sink such as paint rollers. Keep toxic household cleaning products from entering your septic system. Try to use “non-toxic” and “septic safe” cleaners. Do not drain your hot tub into your septic system drainfield. It was not designed to handle the large amount of water. Make sure you let it cool and drain far away from your drainfield. Also, garbage disposals can spell disaster for your septic system. Start a compost pile for all your kitchen scraps and you can use this in your garden or flower beds. Water softeners are also a sure way to kill your septic system. The backflush from water softeners containing salt should never be placed into the septic system
The best defense against septic system failure is prevention. Call All Clear Septic at 508-763-4431 or visit www.allclearseptic.com and see how they can help you with a maintenance program to keep your septic system functioning properly.