All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services keep upto date with all of the state and local regulations pertaining to septic systems. We know that if you have a septic system you are likely to need a septic inspection before selling your property because as stated on the MassGov website:
“a system shall be inspected at or within two years prior to the time of transfer of title to the facility served by the system.  An inspection conducted up to three years before the time of transfer may be used if the inspection report is accompanied by system pumping records demonstrating that the system has been pumped at least once a year during that time.  If weather conditions preclude inspection at the time of transfer, the inspection may be completed as soon as weather permits, but in no event later than six months after the transfer, provided that the seller notifies the buyer in writing”
Today we have Septic Inspections scheduled in North Attleboro, Wrentham, Seekonk, Plainville, Mansfield and Norton MA. We have extensive experience conducting Septic Inspections in this region so if you need to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions please do contact our office on 508-763-4431 or visit