All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services know that selling property requires a lot of paperwork, time and money. If you have a property with a septic system that is just one more thing that needs to be addressed. If your property is in Massachusetts Title 5 require that the property’s Septic System has a septic inspection, with a few exceptions, notably if you have had an inspection within the last two years that inspection is still valid. For more information see We have a Title 5 septic inspection today in Hingham MA. Some towns, including Hingham, have websites with additional information with regards to Title 5 Septic Inspections which can be a useful resource for property sellers also. Hingham Town state that the minimum requirements for a Title 5 Inspection are as follows:
“The following are the minimum requirements necessary to complete an inspection. Meeting these minimum criteria, however, should not be construed as completion of an acceptable inspection if, through reasonable effort, a complete inspection of all components of the system is feasible. Furthermore, if a complete inspection cannot be performed, the inspector must provide adequate documentation of the specific conditions which must provide adequate documentation of the specific conditions which prevented a complete inspection and should indicate on the inspection form what was done to try to locate components, determine high groundwater, etc.
- The inspector must note the general conditions of the property to identify any obvious signs of failure. These would include, but not be limited to, backup of sewage to the facility, effluent ponding, breakout to the surface of the ground or to surface waters, and other occurrences which professional judgment would deem indications of failure.
- All components prior to the leaching facility must be located and inspected. In a conventional component system, this would generally require inspection of the septic tank and distribution box. If a cesspool system, all cesspools in the system must be exposed for inspection.
- Determine high groundwater elevation at the site.
Soil Absorption System
It is extremely important that the inspector locate the leaching system, however, excavation of the soil absorption system, once it is located, is typically NOT required.” – See for more information
We also have additional Title 5 Septic Inspections today in Scituate, Hanover, Plymouth, Carver and Middleboro MA. If you require a septic inspection on your property, residential or commercial, or if you need more information please do contact us at our Norton Office on 508-763-4431 or visit