All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services has Title 5 Septic Inspections today in Halifax, West Bridgewater, Raynham, Norton, Stoughton, and Sharon, Massachusetts.   One of these inspections is a voluntary inspection. Even if an inspection is not required, a system owner may have a voluntary assessment of the condition and operability of the system performed.  Results of voluntary inspections do not have to be submitted to the Board of Health or MassDEP. Inspections are required and not voluntary in general:

  • When properties are sold, divided or combined.
  • When there is a change in use or an expansion of a facility.
  • When MassDEP or the local Board of Health requires an inspection.
  • Title 5 requires inspections for large systems, shared systems, and condominiums on a periodic basis.
  • Systems located in cities and towns with MassDEP-approved inspection programs are required to comply with local inspection requirements.

When an inspection is required the completed Inspection Form must be submitted within 30 days of the inspection, in most cases to the local Board of Health.  Inspection Forms for state and federal facilities must be sent to MassDEP.  Both MassDEP and the local Board of Health get copies of the Inspection Form for large systems and shared systems (310 CMR 15.301(10)).  
When a property is being sold the buyer will also receive a copy of the inspection report.
If you wish to schedule a Title 5 Septic Inspection or if you have any questions about septic inspections please do contact our office at 508-763-4431 or visit