All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services would like to thank all of our customers, vendors and friends for a very successful year. We have conducted more Septic Inspections, Septic Pumping and Cleaning, Septic Services and Septic Repairs in Massachusetts and Rhode Island than ever before.
Highlights include:
- Significant increases in septic inspections including both Title 5 Septic Inspections in Massachusetts and Rhode Island Functional Septic Inspections. We conducted inspections throughout the southern New England increasing our region and volume in towns including; Plainfield, Sturbridge, Rowley, Seekonk, and Eastham MA; Burrillville, Middletown, Exeter, North Kingstown, Little Compton and Westerly RI. Many of these inspections were at state properties including Westport, Scituate and Brewster.
- Getting approval to teach septic savvy in RI and MA for training credits Class. This class includes; how septic systems work; why septic systems fail, and what your options are once your septic system fails; Information on septic inspection, septic repairs, septic replacement, septic installations and advanced treatment units for wastewater treatment
- Welcoming new new employees that will assist with septic inspections, functional inspections, septic repairs, septic installations, and septic designs from Norton, Attleboro and Acushnet MA, Cumberland and North Smithfield RI and Biddeford ME
We are looking forward to expanding upon our success in 2018. Happy Holidays from All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services!