All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services have been contacted by a customer in Hingham MA who requires a leach field repair. Many septic system problems are actually problems associated with the leach field and not the septic tank. Most people who have a septic system know they have a septic tank and where it is located but many do not realize the importance of a leach field to their system. Here are some ways to avoid problems:
- Never park a car or heavy equipment over your leach field.
- Don’t have heavy items or traffic on your leach field
- Have your septic tank pumped regularly (every 3-5 years usually). Sludge overload near the drain field can result in sulfite and bio-mat buildup
- Don’t pour grease, oil or fats down your sink
- Never plant any new trees or large plants or bushes near your leach field
We have other septic repairs scheduled in Canton, Mansfield, Sharon, Hanson and Halifax MA. If you have a concern about your septic system or if you require a septic repair please contact our Norton office on 508-763-4431 or visit