All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services are always here to help homeowners with their septic problems. However you need to be aware that you have a septic problem before you know that you need someone to come and fix it.
Some signs of a septic issue are:
- Muddy soil or pools of wastewater around your septic tank or soil absorption system.
- Very green or lush grass a vegetation on your leach field or near your septic tank.
- Sewage smells around your system or inside your house.
- Backups when you do laundry, take showers, or flush the toilet.
If you see these signs it is never a good idea to wait to have them looked at. A small septic problem with an easy and inexpensive repair can become a much larger, more expensive and more disruptive problem if left unaddressed. We have extensive experience locating and repairing septic problems. We have septic repairs scheduled today in Acushnet, Freetown, Lakeville, Norton and Rochester MA. If you need a septic repair or if you have any questions about your septic system please do contact our Norton office on 508-763-4431 or visit
All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services