All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services know that a properly functioning septic system does not pollute the groundwater. However a failing septic system can have many unpleasant repercussions such as:
- cause a serious health threat to your family and neighbors,
- degrade the environment, especially lakes, streams and groundwater,
- reduce the value of your property,
- be very expensive to repair,
- and put thousands of water supply users at risk if you live in a public water supply watershed and fail to maintain your system.
Therefore if you suspect your septic system is not operating correctly or you have concerns about your system do not put off contacting a professional about any septic repairs that may need doing. Today we have septic repairs scheduled in Portsmouth, Middletown, Tiverton, Barrington and Little Compton RI. You you need to schedule a septic repair or if you have any questions or concerns about your septic system please do contact us on 508 763 4431 or visit All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services