All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services has Title 5 Septic Inspections scheduled today in Hingham, Holliston, Millis, Canton, Sharon, Foxboro, and Stoughton MA. A Title 5 Inspection includes:
- General layout of the system components (location of the building sewer, septic tank or cesspool, distribution box and leaching field);
- Type of use (e.g., house, school, retail space), Title 5 design flow, and whether the facility is presently occupied;
- Analysis of the criteria specified in Title 5 that indicate system failure, and, for large systems, those which indicate threats to public health and the environment;
- Water use records from the previous two years, if available;
- A description of the septic tank, including its condition, approximate age, thickness of grease/scum layer, and other relevant information;
- A characterization of the distribution box and dosing tanks with pumps, if any, such as condition and evidence of solids carryover or backup; and
- The condition of the soil absorption system including, any signs of hydraulic failure.
If you need to arrange a Title 5 Septic Inspection or if you have any questions about septic systems please do contact our Norton office on 508-763-4431 or visit