We could all use a little rejuvenation. Sometimes all it takes is a tiny makeover, a new haircut or a special outfit – just something to add a little spring to our step. Your septic system is the same way. New technology makes it possible to rejuvenate your septic system and improve its effectiveness, by increasing its hydraulic capacity, and adding years of additional life.
What is Septic Rejuvenation?
Many homeowners don’t realize that there is a process that can rejuvenate septic systems that are considered to be severely failed in just a couple of days. There are lots of products out there on the market that promise to rejuvenate septic systems by aerating the wastewater. There are limits to aerating wastewater because water itself can only be infused with a limited amount of oxygen before it just bubbles up and floats back into the atmostphere.
The process used by All-Clear Septic & Wastewater, which services customers all throughout Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, puts the air directly into the clogging biomat as well as the soils that are adjacent to the system, which is where septic failure actually occurs. By introducing air into this part of the system, the process of rejevenation is faster and much more thorough than it ever could be using wastewater aeration methods. All-Clear has successfully applied this process to septic systems that tried every other method of rejuvenation, including ongoing pre-treatment services.
How Does It Work?
When the air is added to the surrounding soil and the clogging biomat of your septic system, the hydraulic capacity of your septic treatment can get boosted by as much as two or five times what it was before. By increasing efficiency, homeowners are able to reduce the size of their drainfield or leachfield and keep that extra area in reserve for future use.
In addition to residential properties, this technique can even be used for commercial purposes, including laundry facilities, healthcare services, restaurants and other businesses that typically process a lot of waste and use a lot of water. Septic Rejuvenation can be used on any type of septic system including drop, chambers, stone and pipe.
Oxygen is Key to an Efficient Septic System
In addition to using this treatment technique to revive failed septic systems, it can also be used with systems that haven’t failed – yet. Older systems, systems that get a lot of use, or customers that live in areas that are known to have soil issues due to environment or location, can all benefit from Septic Rejuvenation. By adding oxygen to the surrounding soil, you return your septic system to a natural, ideal state of filtration, allowing it to renovate and clean the wastewater of suspended matter and waste solids through the use of micro organisms and nutrients.
Oxygen also helps the soil to maintain a consistent moderate temperature, which is ideal for the treatment of wastewater. When your system gets overloaded with wastewater, due to increased use or changes in the texture and ability of the soil to transfer oxygen, your septic system is at risk of failure. The lower the availability of oxygen, the less micro organisms and nutrients available to assist in proper filtration, which ultimately reduces the hydraulic performance and treatment abilities of your septic system.
Increasing Efficiency and Effectiveness
Septic Rejuvenation helps to maintain the optimal levels of oxygen required for proper filtration in and around the drainfield and leaching system to assure the best possible performance. Because the oxygen levels are increased, as well as the ability of the drainfield to effectively filter solid wastes from the wastewater, property owners are able to reduce the space needed to properly treat their sewage waste. This is extremely helpful in areas that have limited space, as well as naturally wet areas including property that is near lakes, watersheds, wetlands and other bodies of water.
Compared to water, air contains 21,000 times more oxygen. Wastewater can be difficult to full aerate to its maximum capacity, even with pre-treatment systems, due to high levels of total suspended solids. Septic Rejuvenation tackles this problem as well, helping to reduce the biological oxygen demand and remove suspended solids. It has also been proven to increase the pathogen removal rate, which is important for the overall health and safety of the system. By oxygenating the soil, nitrogen is also removed through treatment by as much as 75%, and phosphorus removal is enhanced as well.
Are You Ready for Rejuvenation?
Give your All-Clear representative a call at 508-763-4431 for more detailed information about our Septic Rejuvenation treatment program and for other tips that you can use to increase the effectiveness and longevity of your septic system. Whether your property is located in Southeastern Massachusetts or Rhode Island, All-Clear can help you get your septic system running clean and clear.