All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services have septic inspections scheduled today in Acushnet, Freetown, Lakeville, Rochester, Fall River, New Bedford, and Westport, MA.  Our licensed inspectors mostly inspect septic systems for property owners who are selling a property with a septic system.  This is because the property owner or facility operator is generally responsible for obtaining an inspection of the system.  Prior to the transfer of title, however, the parties may contractually allocate responsibility for the inspection, provided that such inspection occurs within the specified timeframes.  However, we are also asked to do inspections. on behalf of sellers who want a 2nd inspection to be carried out.  If you wish to schedule a septic inspection, for any reason,  or if you have any questions about septic inspections, please do contact our office at 508-763-4431 or visit