Getting your tanks cleaned on a regular basis will help to improve the efficiency of your septic system and keep it running smooth. It is important to select your service provider carefully to ensure that you get quality work. Be sure that when comparing prices that you compare apples to apples. Some differences that may effect cost are the size of the tank, how deep the covers are buried, and if there is a filter to clean.
All-Clear takes pride in the work that we do, utilizing specialized equipment to locate specific areas of your system, such as a sewer camera that is used to investigate the inside of your sewer lines, and jetting equipment to clean the pipes within the leach field.
Some pumping services will tell you that you need to get your septic system pumped every 6 months or on an annual basis. The truth is that a properly maintained septic system should only be pumped based on the accumulation of sludge and scum, which is typically every 2-5 years. Pumping too frequently is costly and removes the “good” bacteria that keep the system running smoothly.
If you would like a system evaluation and to know how often you should be pumping, give All-Clear a call for an evaluation and to set up quick and easy pumping arrangements.
All-Clear can get you started on the road to a healthier septic system for your residential or commercial property through our Preventative Maintenance Program. We are so confident in the services offered through this program that we offer a unique “Pass or It’s FREE Guarantee” on Title 5 Inspections to all of our customers that are in the Preventative Maintenance Program and have followed up with all of our recommendations. We also provide a 50% discount off of all Title 5 Inspections for our up-to-date Preventative Maintenance Program customers. Call us today at 508-763-4431 to get more information about our programs and services.
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